Born in Caracas, Venezuela, on March 20 th, 1922.
Lives and works in Caracas, Venezuela.
Speaks fluent Spanish, English and French.

– 1945 – Civil Engineering, Science and Mathematics Faculty, Central Universidad of Venezuela (U.C.V.).
– 1947 – Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A., Bachelor in Architecture.
– 1948 – Venezuelan Accreditation Studies, Doctorate in Architecture Degree, Central University of Venezuela.
– 1970 – Graduate School of Design Harvard University. Cambridge, MA, USA, Masters in Architecture

– Member Colegio de Engineers de Venezuela (C.I.V. # 1239).
– Member Sociedad Venezolana de Arquitectos (S.V.A.) Colegio de Arquitectos.
– Member, Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos (S.C.A.).
– Honorary Member Sociedad Bolivariana de Arquitectos 1967.
– Honorary Member Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos 1972.
– Honorary Fellow The American Institute of Architects AIA 1975.
– Founding Honorary Member Fundación Museo de Architecture, Venezuela, 1988.
– Member of the Technical Consulting Committee SIDETUR, Venezuela, 1994
– Individual of number, chair # 33 of the National Academy of ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND HABITAT.

1947 – Professor, Department of Architecture for Engineers, School of Engineering, U.C.V.
1948 – Director of Department of Architectural Composition, Architecture School, U.C.V.
Professor of Architectural Composition. U.C.V.
1949 – Founder CARBONELL & SANABRIA ARQUITECTOS firm, active through 1953.
1953 – Founder TOMAS JOSE SANABRIA, ARQUITECTO firm, active through 1971.
1954 – Founding Director, Architecture School, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, U.C.V.
1957 – Decoration, Order FRANCISCO DE MIRANDA, Venezuela.
1959 – President (elected) EXECUTIVE COMMITEE FOR PARKS AND GARDENS SYSTEMS, in the Metropolitan an Area of the City of Caracas.
Consultant, FINANCIAL CENTER – 45 story, 150.000 sq.meters building, designed for offices in Caracas.
1960 – Consultant, 400 single-family residential buildings, PRADOS DEL ESTE, Caracas, overseeing more than 25 Designing Architects.
1962 – President, Organizational Committee, SECOND CONVENTION OF NATIONAL DE ARCHITECTS. S.V.A.
Elected President, Second Convention of National Architects.
1963 – Guest Professor, School of Architecture, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Consultant Professor, Architectural Composition, U.C.V.
Principal Member, Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty Council de la U.C.V.
1964 – Member, Consulting Team, Metropolitan Office for Urban Planning City of Caracas, through 1976.
1965 – Reelected Principal Member, Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty Council de la U.C.V.
Representative to various National and International Conferences as well as International Conventions and Workshops.
Venezuelan Association of Architects Award at the II BIENAL OF ARCHITECTURE – September 1965.
Lecturing guest at Cornell University The role of the City in the modernization of Latin America, representing Venezuela at LATIN AMERICAN YEAR AT CORNELL celebration.
1966 – Special Guest al X National Conference of Architects Cúcuta – Colombia.
1967 – VENEZUELAN NATIONAL AWARD OF ARCHITECTURE for the headquarters building of the Central Bank de Venezuela.
1968 – Founding Member Board of Directors, Fundación Caracas.
1969 – Consulting Architect for Tippetts Abbett Mc. Carthy Engineers Architects (TAMS), for the developing of the Master Plan for the Maiquetía International Airport.
Member Technical Committee, Commission for the Urban Renewal of the Center of the City of Caracas with the Ministry of Public Works.
1970 – Jury Member, Centro Municipal de Caracas Contest, along with Hoe Ming Pei and Carlos R. Villanueva MUNICIPAL AWARD OF ARCHITECTURE – Honorable
Mention, for the headquarters building of INCE, Caracas.
MEMBER INTERNACIONAL JURY, IV Biennale of Colombian Architecture , Bogotá, Colombia.
1972 – Decoration, Order José María Vargas FIRST CATEGORY.
Founder, architectural firm SANABRIA ARQUITECTOS S. A., with brother Eduardo J. Sanabria, Arch.
1973 – Writes STUDY ON THE URBAN RENEWAL OF THE OLD CENTER OF THE CITY OF MARACAIBO, commissioned by the President of Venezuela.
Contracted to study the PROTECTED ZONE of the City of Caracas.
Consulting Jury Member for the National Congress Contest.
1974 – Commissioned by the President of Venezuela to establish parameters for the headquarters of the National Library.
Member Ministerial Committee to establish policies for the development of the Capital Region and New Cities.
1975 – Decoration, Order Diego de Losada en FIRST CLASS, July 25 th, 1975.
Principal Member, Special Commission with the President on fast transport (Caracas Metro).
1976 – Principal Member, Board of Conservation for National Artistic Historic Heritage.
1979 – Founder, in association with brother Eduardo J. Sanabria, SANABRIA ARQUITECTOS ASOCIADOS S.C., architectural firm active through 1989.
Special Guest, American Institute of Architects, delivers lecture titled GROWTH NOT GROWTH. Lecturing Guest at the Closing Event in Denver, Colorado.
Principal Jury Member at the Town Center in San Cristóbal, Táchira State, Venezuela.
1981 – Principal Jury Member for Architectural Design Contest for the Governor’s Office Building in the Federal District, Caracas.
1985 – Decoration Cruz de las Fuerzas Terrestres en SECOND CLASS.
Decorated with the Order Carlos Raúl Villanueva in FIRST CLASS awarded by the COLEGIO DE ARQUITECTOS DE VENEZUELA.
Member Presidential Commission for establishing criteria for the Parque Vargas.
1986 – Guest Professor, Design Course, Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas.
1987 – Consultant, development of the Cimarrón Hotel, Golf & Beach Club, en Margarita, Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela.
Consultant, contest for the New Headquarters of PEQUIVEN, Caracas.
1988 – Consultant, Contest for the Design and Construction of the new headquarters of Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.
Honorary Member, Fundación Museo de Arquitectura.
1989 – Consultant, with the Board of Directors for the evaluation of a possible new headquarters building for PEQUIVEN.
Retirement from the firm SANABRIA ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS S.C. Arq. Eduardo J. Sanabria. Restructuring and incorporation of new members, Gustavo Torres Benedetti, Arch., and Lolita Sanabria de Pérez, to SANABRIA ARQUITECTOS ASOCIADOS S.C.
1990 – Consultant, with the Corporative Committee for C. A. La Electricidad de Caracas, for the development of its real estate properties in Chacao and San Bernardino sectors of Caracas and in La Guaira, the port area of Caracas.
1991 – Second time Consultant for the Contest for the Design and Construction of the new headquarters building for Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.
1992 – Consultant, Construction of the New Headquarters Building of the National Library, the General Archive, and other buildings related to the Foro Libertador, the old center of the city of Caracas.
Consultant and Director of Projects for C. A. Ron Santa Teresa. El Consejo, Aragua State, Venezuela.
1994 – Decoration Order Francisco de Miranda, FIRST CLASS, awarded by the Ministry of Urban Development.
1997.- Individual of number, chair # 33 of the National Academy of ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND HABITAT


– C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas, sector San Bernardino, Caracas.
– Headquarters and Service Center, "C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas in Guanape. Vargas Department.

– Humboldt Hotel – Avila Mountain, Caracas.
– Prado de Río Hotel, Mérida State, Venezuela.

– Headquarters "First National City Bank", Caracas.
– Headquarters "Banco Central de Venezuela", Caracas.

– El Palmar Sugar factory, San Mateo – Edo. Aragua
– Abbott Laboratories – Caracas.
– Heinz food factory – San Joaquin – Edo. Carabobo.

– Carlos Delgado Chalbaud School, for 1000 students, Coche – Caracas.
– The Venezuelan Institute of Cooperative Education, INCE, av. Nueva Granada, 1965

– Approximately 60 private residences in the City of Caracas.
– Residential Development for the technical employees of the Sugar Complex  “El Palmar”
– Residential Development of 60 single-family houses in Montalbán La Vega section of Caracas.
– Private residence in the island of Bermuda.

– Plan Master for the Mall Centro Comercial Tamanaco Mall. Caracas. Defining criteria for zoning of different uses contemplated in the set. Studies to determine the viability of services and its relationship with the sector. Determining the intensity of construction.
– Plan Master for the Parque Humboldt a Housing Complex – Caracas. Definition of criteria development, soil suitability, main roads, forest conservation criteria and existing green areas, building densities recommendation services, etc. (This study was altered substantially).
– Master -Plan for HEINZ Industrial Complex in Edo. Carabobo.Definition of criteria development and future expansions urban
– Urban approaches on the town of Caracas, historical and traditional Complex (MOP).
– Plan Master configuration Caracas Cultural Polo in neighboring areas to the National Pantheon (MOP).
– Plan Master and development of Neighborhood Units in Montalban, La Vega – Caracas.
– Master-Plan for Cultural Polo configuration of Ciudad Bolivar – Bolivar State.


– Headquarters for C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas in Guanape, La Guaira, Addition.
– Headquarters for INCE – Av. Nueva Granada Caracas.
– Extension for the headquarters of C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas, San Bernardino sector, Caracas.

– Headquarters for First National City Bank in Valencia, Venezuela.
– Tower addition to the headquarters of Banco Central de Venezuela – Caracas.

– Stoneware Factory, Cerámica Carabobo in Guacara – GREVENSA Edo. Carabobo.

– Architectural Project for the International Tourism Buildings in Margarita – Edo. Nueva Esparta.
– Consultant for the Programming and Master of the Aeropuerto de Caracas in Charallave – Edo. Miranda.

– Army General Command Headquarters in Conejo Blanco – Caracas.

– New Headquarters for the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference in Montalbán La Vega sector of Caracas.
– Venezuelan National Library and General Archive.
– Library for the Universidad Metropolitana, La Urbina sector, Caracas.

1989 a 2006

– Remodeling of the 1952 headquarters of the C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas in San Bernardino sector.
– North Tower, C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas in San Bernardino sector, Caracas.
– Annex Project for the Centro de Servicios Guanape in la Guaira, Venezuela.
– Remodeling Project Headquarters Building INCE New Granada Av. – Caracas.

– North Square, Plaza Juán Pedro López of Banco Central de Venezuela, Caracas con extensions for security areas in the BCV Complex.

– Cimarrón Suites. Margarita , Estado Nueva Esparta.

– Recovery of public areas of the building INCE, New Granada
– Study of perimeter fence of the assembly buildings (Electricidad de Caracas (EdCcs) in San Bernardino (today Banco Venezolano de Credito, EdCcs and Banco Nacional de Descuentto).
– The Trapiche Montalban, Venezuelan Episcopal Conference Headquarters in Caracas.
– Access controled and security area for OMZ Caracas Airport in Charallave.

– Study of the towns of El Council y Sabaneta, in the new Revenga, Municipality, Aragua State, Venezuela.
– Development of a Thesis to save the Aragua Valleys and to bring dignity back to the residential areas that have been invaded.

– Airport Merecure, Barlovento. Private and commercial tourist airport in nearby windward area.

– Design and supervision of the space for the work of Thomas Jose Sanabria E, Collection Sanabria, that thanks to the Alberto Vollmer Foundation, will be conserved and promoted inside the ruins of an ancient granary in La Vega sector at Caracas